It might make you a little nervous. It feels as though you have flutters in your heart and amphibians in your throat.
No, we are not talking about asking someone on a date or to marry you. We are referring to asking your boss to pay for a short course to help further your training and professional knowledge.
We get it. It is a little daunting.
The outcome can be the difference between you forking out some thousands of Rands or the business footing the bill.
Although it might be nervy, it doesn’t need to be impossible. Going in with the right plan can help take you from your boss’s door to “Congrats, you’re signed up!” before you know it.
Step 1 – Go in Equipped
Research what will be in the course that you are going to be studying. It might sound a little ‘meta’ but, trust us, it’s vital.
Before you can ask for funding, you should be able to explain why it is that this particular course is necessary for you – and the company – to excel. This means looking at all important information which relates to the course. Remember, you are asking that the business pays for something. Provide as much detail as possible as to what that ‘something’ is.
Use your W-question words as a starting place:
- “What” is in the course that I will learn?
- “When” does it start and will I need to take time off work?
- “How” much am I asking the business to pay?
Find all your information in one place
Step 2 – Explain How Upskilling is a Victory For All
If you go into a meeting armed with reasons why this course is going to benefit the company, then you’re more likely to hear the magic words you want to hear.
Play the win-win card; it is a strong one: Explain to your boss that anything you gain on the course, will be put back into the business. Discussing how this can look practically also makes your research more impressive. Not only do you show initiative, but you also demonstrate that you think about practical ways you can be a better employee.
Step 3 – Decide On a Convenient Time and Place To Meet
Popping your head into your boss’s office because you have a ‘quick question’ might not be your best strategy here. Instead, set up a time that works for both of you to chat about the prospect and make sure you ready to reach for success. Before the meeting, make sure you have all your ducks in a row and arrive well on time.
(Pro-hint: Try to schedule the meeting after lunch. People are usually in a more-giving mood on a full stomach).
Find a list of career-changing courses
Step 4 – Knock it Out The Park
It might still be nervy, but whatever the outcome, you’ve got this.
Just imagine it like this: It’s almost like asking your teacher to go to the toilet – except the bathroom is invaluable knowledge which will add incredible insight to your career. And the teacher, you know, well, the teacher pays your salary.
Don’t Tell Them You’re Walking Away If They Won’t Pay
With all that we can muster, we urge you: Do not threaten resignation. Unless you are very sure that your time with the company exhausted, we 100% do not recommend throwing ultimatums around.