MasterStart, Cambridge Spark offer online tech training courses

Jessamy Amic

Posted: August 11, 2021

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South African edtech platform MasterStart has partnered with Cambridge Spark to offer online tech training courses to Africans.

The first courses commenced earlier this month.

The partnership aims to promote online skills development in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This partnership will unlock the leadership potential of thousands of students and deliver a diverse pipeline of top talent, accelerating technological and data driven innovation,” MasterStart CEO, Ben Pike, said in a statement.

ben pike

According to a study by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), around 230 million jobs on the Africa continent will require some form of digital skills by 2030.

Through the MasterStart courses, participants can develop skills related to data analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and technological innovation.

Participants can then use the acquired knowledge to contribute to advancements in their respective fields.

This includes fields such as healthcare, education, financial services, and agriculture.

“It will also contribute to data science skills development and the empowerment of African youths in a field that is increasingly providing opportunities for career advancement,” Cambridge Spark Founder and CEO, Raoul-Gabriel Urma said.

Based in the UK, Cambridge Spark is a specialist provider of data science and AI courses.

It offers courses in partnership with institutions such as UCT and provides training in over 60 countries.

By Sam Spiller

Source: Memeburn

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