Humans & AI: Nurturing Future-Proof Skills

Jessamy Amic

Posted: August 16, 2023

Table of Contents

In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and automation, there is widespread concern about the future of work and the role of human workers. While AI brings remarkable advancements and efficiency gains to various industries, certain human skills will continue to thrive and be indispensable in the AI era. These uniquely human attributes will complement and enhance the capabilities of AI, ensuring that we, as humans, continue to find abundant and meaningful work in the 21st century.

Today, we explore the crucial skills poised to flourish alongside AI and how we can nurture them to ensure we stay in the game.

AI vs our jobs

From much of the work done by journalists and lawyers to customer service, medical diagnosis, financial analysis, and AI-driven precision farming techniques, all industries are in for a shake-up as AI capabilities evolve. IT services company Accenture recently published research into how generative AI specifically will transform work and reinvent business. Generative AI, including Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT, PaLM and LLaMA, — creates content such as written materials, video, images, audio, music, and computer code. The research shows that this type of AI could affect as much as 40% of working hours across various industries.

Banking is the industry most likely to be affected, as 54% of tasks were found to have a high potential for automation, closely followed by insurance at 48%. Others on Accenture’s list are software and platforms, capital markets, energy, communication and media, retail and healthcare.

Jamie Merisotis, author of Human Work In the Age of Smart Machines, argues that we can rise to the challenge by preparing to work alongside smart machines, doing what only humans can: thinking critically, reasoning ethically, interacting interpersonally, and serving others with empathy. This can be accomplished by developing our unique capabilities as humans through learning opportunities that allow for more coordination and integration between humans and technology.

Essential human skills that AI cannot master

Let’s take a look at the deeply human skills we should all acquire and how they will work alongside AI.


A distinctive human trait that AI struggles to replicate because it cannot think creatively and generate novel ideas. Creativity drives innovation, inspires new products and services, and fosters problem-solving in unique and unconventional ways. As AI takes over routine and repetitive tasks, humans can redirect their efforts towards developing and enhancing their creative abilities. Here are some great ways to nurture a creative brain.

Industries: IT and software development, education and training, arts, gaming, entertainment and media, design, architecture, advertising, marketing, research, and medicine.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a quintessentially human trait highly valued in many industries. It encompasses empathy, active listening, understanding, and emotional awareness and gives humans the edge over machines that struggle to comprehend human emotions and the intricacies of interpersonal relationships.

Industries: Healthcare, education, customer service, leadership and management, performing arts, hospitality and tourism, journalism and media, coaching, and mentoring.

Complex Problem-Solving

While AI is adept at tackling well-defined problems, it often struggles with ambiguous or multifaceted challenges that require creative problem-solving abilities and design thinking. Human minds are far more adept at analysing complex situations, considering multiple perspectives, and developing innovative solutions. Encouraging critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and interdisciplinary learning can sharpen individuals’ problem-solving skills and allows them to address challenges that go beyond AI’s capabilities.

Industries: Education, science, research and development, healthcare, IT, legal, business, and entrepreneurship.

Adaptability and lifelong learning

As AI rapidly evolves, individuals must embrace adaptability and commit to lifelong learning through continuous education, upskilling and reskilling. Remaining open to learning new technologies, skill sets, and industry trends will enable employees to navigate ambiguous environments and take on new, emerging roles.

Industries: Sales, marketing, media, engineering, business and product management, healthcare, HR, and IT.

Ethical decision-making

AI systems operate based on the data they are trained on, which can inadvertently perpetuate biases and ethical dilemmas. Human oversight and ethical decision-making are essential to ensuring that AI is used responsibly and fairly. Cultivating ethical awareness, promoting ethical discussions, and integrating ethical considerations into AI development and implementation will be crucial to mitigating potential risks.

Gain future-proof human and industry skills with MasterStart

MasterStart’s university-partnered courses are at the forefront of developments in critical industries and jobs, from FinTech and business management to leadership, data analysis and marketing, and that will be affected as AI shapes the future of humanity.

Contact us today to explore our humanised programmes designed to create future-proof employees at all levels of business.

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