Exploring the benefits of competency-based learning

Megan Stacy Deane

Posted: August 1, 2024

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Online training courses have become a cornerstone of professional development, yet a critical question arises: are these courses genuinely equipping learners with the necessary competencies to thrive in their careers? This is where competency-based learning comes in.

While online education offers unparalleled flexibility and access, the challenge lies in ensuring that learners are not just absorbing information but also developing practical, actionable skills that translate effectively into the workplace. That’s where building capabilities in employees comes into play. It is a holistic approach that supports a growth mindset and fosters a culture of continuous learning within organisations. It goes beyond merely imparting knowledge or skills; it’s about equipping employees with the skills to adapt, innovate, and thrive in dynamic work environments. 

A key aspect of capability building involves the development of competencies that enable individuals to perform tasks effectively and efficiently, ensuring they are prepared to tackle current and future challenges. A competency blends knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviours, enabling individuals to perform tasks to a specified standard in the workplace. It’s about understanding why actions are taken, when they should be done, and consistently applying skills effectively.

Lisa Visagie, Product Manager at MasterStart, compares competency-based training to building with LEGO blocks: starting with understanding the wheels, moving to the body, and finally assembling the entire car. This analogy highlights the importance of mastering each step to achieve the final goal. This step-by-step approach ensures that you not only understand how to build the car but also why each part is necessary, when to add each component, and how to apply these skills consistently and effectively.

Competency-Based Learning vs Traditional Training

In traditional training, learners often get theoretical knowledge and broad instructions. They might understand principles but struggle to apply them in real-world situations, leading to inconsistencies and inefficiencies.

Competency-based training is different. It ensures that learners acquire specific, actionable skills through hands-on practice. This approach creates employees who not only know what to do but understand why, when, and how to do it, leading to consistency and efficiency in the workplace.

MasterStart’s learning experiences fully encapsulate competency-based learning to ensure our learners receive these benefits:

  • Clear Learning Goals: Learners know exactly what knowledge, skills, and behaviours they’ll acquire. Each goal is specific and well-defined, providing a clear outcome for learners.
  • Personalised Learning: Learners progress at their own pace, receiving the support needed to master each step before moving on. This ensures a solid understanding and ability to perform each competency effectively.
  • Collaborative Learning: Learners engage in activities with their peers and receive guidance from industry experts. This support system enhances the learning experience, providing opportunities for feedback and improvement.
  • Demonstrated Competence: Learners must demonstrate their ability to perform tasks effectively and understand their context and application. This ensures they have truly mastered the required competencies before moving forward.
  • Increased Engagement: Competency-based learning includes hands-on, interactive elements that keep learners engaged and motivated. This practical approach helps reinforce learning and application.
  • Improved Performance: By focusing on specific skills and competencies, learners can immediately apply what they’ve learned, leading to better job performance and higher productivity.
  • Flexibility: This approach accommodates different learning styles and paces, making it suitable for a diverse range of learners. It can be contextualised to meet the specific needs of individuals and organisations.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Competency-based training can be more efficient, reducing the time and resources needed to achieve desired learning outcomes. This can lead to cost savings for organisations.

By aligning our courses with this approach, we ensure learners develop the competencies that matter most. They progress through personalised, goal-oriented learning experiences supported by industry experts, learner success coaches and their peers. This results in a highly skilled workforce capable of meeting organisational needs efficiently.

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