5 Tips for Regrowth This Spring

Jessamy Amic

Posted: September 18, 2020

Table of Contents

Spring is officially here! But unlike previous years, this new season is different – there’s more to celebrate, more to appreciate. Just as the warmth and colour returns to our landscapes, so do we. This spring, we’re all emerging from hibernation as lockdown restrictions ease up and Covid-19 numbers steadily drop. With excitement and new beginnings in the air (along with a bit too much pollen!), we’re challenging you to try something new. You may be surprised at how much these small acts of courage and curiosity will transform your life.



Meet New People
Trying something new can suddenly expose you to a hidden pocket of experiences and people you never had access to before. Of course, knowledge is power, but it’s also the key to doors you never knew existed! Meeting new people could bring about lifelong friendships, exciting job opportunities, and even a greater perspective of what you currently do.

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Alleviate Boredom
The monotony of doing the same things over and over again can dull your mind. With nothing new or different introduced into your daily schedule, it’s no wonder you may feel like you’re in a bit of a slump. Learning a new skill or picking up an online course will help fight the boredom blues and keep you interested and energetic. You can look forward to those empty gaps in your day by spending that time efficiently and productively.

Keep Healthy
Learning doesn’t just make you smarter, it makes you healthier. Trying something new keeps your brain active and in constant training mode. Learning challenges you, and that critical and strategic thinking keeps your neural pathways firing! Lifelong learning has been proven to reduce your stress levels, improve your memory, and can even delay cognitive decline later in life. As Henry Ford famously said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

You Won’t Get Left Behind
By committing to becoming a lifelong learner, you won’t ever become irrelevant. Having a passion for new information and a knowledge of upcoming trends, means that you’re always one step ahead of the rest. While industries are constantly changing, you’ll be able to keep up. Possessing both a knowledge of what has been, and what is yet to come is a quality that is indispensable.

Satisfaction & Contentment
When society constantly screams, “More!”, “Higher!” and “Next!”, it’s difficult to feel content standing right where you are. Your confidence can take a knock, and the nasty, green plague of envy can slowly creep in. Learning something new can help you feel more satisfied with who you are and where you are. At first, you may not see much change happening around you… that’s because you’ll be the one who is changing, rapidly. And, when the growth begins within you, it will inevitably pollinate the world around you. As your mind, skills, talents, and achievements grow, you can’t help but feel oh-so-satisfied with who you’ve become.

By planting the seed of education and skill today, you can reap the rewards and benefits later: mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s time to dust off the cobwebs, emerge from your comfort-zone, and start something new.

We have a host of world-class online courses to pick from that will expand your skills, grow your knowledge, and sharpen your competitive edge.

When was the last time YOU learnt something new?

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