ABSA Line Managers Programme: Case Study
Learn how MasterStart created and delivered a contextualised learning solution that was aimed at enhancing leadership competencies and capabilities amongst Absa Life Insurance line managers.
Building Stronger Managers: Training needs to produce effective managers
Managers today have not received the right management training to excel in their roles. Our research provides crucial insights into the challenges faced by managers and highlights the urgent need for improved training and development programmes.
Learning and Development Survey: The Challenges Faced to Upskill Organisations
Skills-based learning is becoming a critical element of workplace learning. However L&D’s charged with implementing these face their own internal challenges and resistance when it comes to ensuring their organisation has the right skills. We asked them directly what these were.
Learning and Development Trends Report
In an era of rapid change and skills evolution, MasterStart stands at the frontline, offering insight and foresight into South Africa’s learning and skill development landscape.