Keep earning while you learn and you could take your career to the next level within a few short weeks. When you earn while you learn, you have the distinct advantage of gaining new skills without having to take any leave. This means that you can stay on top of your busy workday while learning new things.
It is more than possible to earn while you learn these days with the advent of the internet and online courses.
The fact that people change careers so often means that there is a need to keep yourself relevant in today’s modern age. Research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that today’s average employee has gone through ten different jobs before the age of forty.
Further investigation suggests that within modern society, the youngest people entering the workplace are expected to have been in twelve to fifteen various roles in their lifetime. This evidence proves that you need to continuously upskill yourself so that you can remain ahead of the curve.
We aren’t talking about apprenticeships, we’re talking real money
The modern world is a new playground where people learn new things all the time. Why shouldn’t your education be the same? Our research here at MasterStart has revealed some interesting facts about the South African workforce.
If you want to get promoted and reach new heights in your career you have to stay current and up to date, constantly upskilling yourself to cement your skills and understanding as the expectations of your job evolve.
Online courses can give you the edge in the market. There is a huge demand to stay relevant in a world that is constantly evolving with technology. Online courses are flexible and can be adapted to suit your schedule, which means you don’t need to take time off from work. They also empower you and help you stay relevant in the modern workforce.
Keep going with MasterStart
You can keep your job and learn at the same time with an online course; boosting your skills and helping you achieve your goals in your career. MasterStart in partnership with various business schools has online courses that you can easily fit into your day so that you can earn while you learn.
Make your boss a believer
There is nothing that can beat education, except for free education online. MasterStart has a unique corporate offering tailored for businesses, to help employees earn while you learn. Empowerdex (one of the largest ratings agencies in South Africa) has issued an opinion classifying MasterStart’s online short courses as category B in the B-BBEE skills development matrix.
If your organisation is large enough, it is their duty to spend money upskilling employees, as it forms part of their skills development spend. Your boss will be so impressed with our unique packages that you could end up with a free online course to help you earn while you learn and reach new heights, securing that long-awaited promotion.
Keep checking in with us here for more exciting career prospects this year.