Now, we’re going to go out on a limb here and guess that your 2020 hasn’t exactly gone as you had expected. As they say – pandemics are what happen when you’re busy making other plans.
Luckily, we offer world-class online courses, each of which has its own unique benefits to arm you with whatever skills, knowledge and strategies you need to turn 2020 into your year of success despite the odds…
1. Project Management
Duration: 8 weeks
Weekly commitment: 6 hours
About the Course
Our Project Management Course will teach you all of the relevant PM theory, along with examples, exercises and case studies (all up to date and aligned with industry standards!). You will be guided through the development and execution of a project plan, with supervision from a mentor – through this, you will learn how to use a Gantt chart, set up a budget and evaluate the project’s success along the way.
Why is This Course Important?
Thousands of businesses and industries have had to completely reset the way that they operate, and they are looking for innovative and well-equipped individuals to take on the challenges of managing projects in this unchartered territory. Our course will also allow you to amp up your qualifications by gaining essential portfolio evidence necessary for earning an official Project Manager designation from Project Management South Africa (PMSA).
2. Operations Management
Duration: 8 weeks
Weekly commitment: 4 – 6 hours
About the Course
You will learn all you need to know about effective and efficient operations management, including how to streamline an organisation’s goals and practices to maximise success. We’ll teach you the fundamentals of supply chain management, inventory management, risk assessment and control, and project management protocols – all super useful and important skills if you want to market yourself as an asset for any business.
Why is This Course Important?
COVID has forced many businesses to look for ways to cut costs and maximise efficiency in order to maintain a good profit margin. Businesses are in need of effective operations management, and equipping yourself with the diverse range of skills and knowledge taught in this course will allow you to easily convince any interviewer of your value.
3. Business Management
Duration: 8 weeks
Weekly commitment: 6 hours
About the Course
This is a comprehensive course that will enable you to employ a variety of business management disciplines, and accurately assess business effectiveness. You will also be able to analyse and adapt a business’ marketing, financial management and budgeting. Along the way, you will learn to adopt the key values and attitudes necessary for success
Why is This Course Important?
Effective and diverse business management skills are essential for the current unstable and uncertain economy.
4. Strategic Leadership
Duration: 7 weeks
Weekly commitment: 6 hours
About the Course
We will teach you to tap into your own unique leadership style and grow your skills to become an effective, inspiring and efficient leader. You will also learn how to best develop the leaders in your company so that your business can operate as smoothly as possible.
Why is This Course Important?
Innovative and confident leaders are essential in taking businesses where they need to be in order to make it through the current economic climate. Furthermore, boosting morale and inspiring employees is essential to proper business operations.
5. Digital Marketing
Duration: 7 weeks
Weekly commitment: 15 – 18 hours
About the Course
We will equip you with fundamental marketing theory and insights so that you can maximise your business’ success through the development of a bulletproof marketing strategy, as well as effective marketing in the digital age.
Why is This Course Important?
Marketing is absolutely vital in the current circumstances, particularly if your business has had to slow or close operations during lockdown. Knowing how to effectively connect with your customers, employ innovative strategies, and set your business apart from your competition will make the difference between success and failure.
6. Risk Management
Duration: 12 weeks
Weekly commitment: 8 hours
About the Course
This course will allow you to expand your skill-set and engage with legislation and reporting structures so that you can best assess and address the specific risks that your company is facing.
Why is This Course Important?
Needless to say that today’s business world is filled with risks, and it is essential that you can predict and solve problems as efficiently and effectively as possible to keep your business going.
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7. Human Resource Management
Duration: 10 weeks
Weekly commitment: 6 – 8 hours
About the Course
In this course we will teach you how to properly manage your business’ employees, as well as where to make improvements and changes, to promote efficiency and happiness in the workplace. You will also learn about labour relations and practices, as well as compulsory safety protocols.
Why is This Course Important?
Effectively managing your workforce is essential in ensuring that your employees and your clients feel safe placing themselves in your capable hands.
8. Financial Analysis for Investment
Duration: 6 weeks
Weekly commitment: 6 hours
About the Course
This course will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to help you advance your career and your business by teaching you how to work with capital budgeting, the analysis of financial statements and cash flow, and strategies for budget and project analysis. We will teach you about essential financial pillars and terminology so that you can identify weaknesses and optimise your business.
Why is This Course Important?
Equipping yourself with knowledge and skills in essential financial processes and practices is vital to ensure that you properly manage your business’ finances so that you can thrive, no matter the circumstances.
9. Business and Systems Analysis
Duration: 9 weeks
Weekly commitment: 4 – 6 hours
About the Course
We will teach you the essential principles of business and business analysis so that you can effectively identify problems and implement solutions in your company’s systems to ensure long-term growth and success. You will also be able to more accurately evaluate your competition to ensure that you are ahead of the game.
Why is This Course Important?
It’s the perfect way for any business and systems analyst to maximise business efficiency, productivity and profit.