Learning and Development (L&D) professionals play a critical role in guiding their organisation’s skills development plans. However, they still face many challenges in their roles such as limited resources and support to practice their craft in accordance with modern workplace demands.

To get a clear understanding of the real barriers L&D professionals deal with, MasterStart ran a survey and based on insight from over 300 respondents, we found that the challenges L&D professionals face are not unique or one-off but evident across businesses and industries.


  • Convincing leadership and business partners of the critical importance of skills development.
  • Ensuring that training content stays current with industry trends and technology.
  • Working with tight budgets and limited resources impacts the scope and quality of training programmes. 
  • Maintaining engagement during online sessions and ensuring students complete their prework.
  • Not always having strong support from company leaders directly impacts the success of skills development initiatives.

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In an era of rapid change and skills evolution, MasterStart stands at the frontline, offering insight and foresight into South Africa’s learning and skill development landscape.
Your workforce’s ability to adapt and thrive in the face of change has become one of the defining factors for business success in the modern world.
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