When it comes to your career, the idea to ‘stick it out’ could not be less advised.
Let’s paint the scene:
You completed your degree after four years of gruelling work. Before countless exams, you wondered if this was going to be the right industry for you. But now, you sit at your desk day after day, hoping that something would remind you why you wanted to do this in the first place. Now, you are tired of waking up early to spend eight hours daily doing something you don’t love.
You used to love it.
But not anymore.
And you just want to see a change.
Despite what you might think, that’s not only okay; it’s good.
Why is changing a job a good idea?
Even if you are unhappy with your work, it can be easy to find reasons to stay rooted in your current job. That sense of security and comfort can be gripping. Unfortunately, comfort can come at the cost of growth.
Switching up your career is beneficial to your professional life in the long-term because:
You learn your market value
If you look for a new job, you realize what your skills and career are worth. This is helpful in driving your ambition to either earn more or learn more. While looking at new career opportunities, it is also worthwhile finding ways to acquire new skills.
You connect with new people
The more people with which you engage in your career, the more opportunity you have to gain new perspectives. Having fresh ideas and new concepts around you can be an incredible way to learn new skills
You become a personal-brand expert
When you go for a job interview, you show up looking tidy and professional. Much in the same way, when you go job-hunting, you want to show yourself off. This process allows you to see what the market demands and shows you how you can develop an excellent personal brand.
Tips to change your career successfully
Once you’ve made the decision in your mind to get yourself out there and high-gear your career, make sure you do it in the best, most effective way without burning bridges and destroying future opportunities.
Consider your interests and skills
Really think about what you enjoy doing and how you might be able to implement your skills and passions into a career. Try to design your career around what you are good at and what you currently enjoy doing rather than designing your hobbies and interests around your job.
Volunteer or freelance in the field
If you are unsure about exactly which path you want to follow next, you don’t need to decide without getting any experience. Look for opportunities where you can do some volunteer or freelance work before to test your interests. If there are no opportunities available, see if you can find someone in the industry you can chat to before diving in. Someone in the field will be able to tell you their experiences – good and bad – which will help you identify whether you like the sound of it or not.
Ask the big questions
While you look for a new career, you are probably going to be talking with prospective employers. It is crucial for you to find out what you need to before saying yes to moving jobs. Make sure you go in with the right answers to be the perfect interviewee, but also go in with pressing questions so that you can get an idea of what is expected.
Challenge yourself
Nothing yields excellent job satisfaction like pushing yourself.
“I don’t know if I can do this” is not a bad thing to think – strange as it might sound – because the pride that you feel when you can do is unparalleled. Just know, challenging yourself comes at the risk that you might fail. And that’s also okay. Because it means that you are closer to success now than when you started.